Welcome page and welcome greeting

The welcome page, created for each booking date, contains all essential information and becomes accessible to the user after payment. We also link to this page in reminders via email and SMS. The welcome page displays the date, time, location, your welcome greeting, participant names, messages sent, and for Online Sessions, connection information to Zoom.To find the welcome page for a specific date:

  1. Go to "Manage Dates and Participants" in Skillbreak admin.
  2. Select the date and click "Show Details" to see what the participant sees.

The welcome greeting personalizes information for each booking date and is displayed on the welcome page after participants have booked. It offers a chance to welcome, remind about details, and provide a detailed schedule or directions. Create a welcome greeting for each new date by:

  1. Selecting 'My Courses' in Skillbreak admin.
  2. Choosing the concept and clicking on 'Add Date'.
  3. Set the time, date, and write the greeting in both Swedish and English before publishing.Remember, if you change the welcome greeting, you must notify participants who have booked after the change yourself.

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